
Wednesday 5 February 2014

My Holiday.

Have you ever been to a sleep over before on a birthday? In the Holidays it was my 10TH birthday on the 30TH of December we had a sleep over and a disco party. I invited all my cousins and my friends from school. On my birthday we were going to the GI pools it was about 21 girls that went for a swim Yes 21. When we went inside there was NO air inside the swimming pool because of the Heat we had. Next we were finished guess what nearly all the people was staring at us so we got changed in to our Pajamas I was dressed on my Onezes.

 As we walked out of the pool we walked back home and we had Dinner. For Dinner we had Sausage Rolls and pie. After that it was nearly night time we were playing a fashion game we had to be in 2 or 3 groups I was with my cousin and friend our song was Bruno Mars Treasure it was funny because we forgot the moves so we were finished and finally when the other team came up they were saying a speech they said “Happy Birthday” to me.

 Finally we went inside to get ready for our sleep, we wanted to watch a movie but we watched Pitch Perfect . After that all the little kids was sleeping so we watched a scary movie it was the Conjuring. When it was the scariest part my dad came out of the door and start to scare us with a scary mask we all screamed and we could hear them from the room because my Dad was scarring the girls. So it was another scary part and we looked on the window and my aunt started to scare us by putting her hand on the window like a zombie. Then Guess what you wouldn't believe it because we were still up at 6.00 CLOCK IN THE MORNING.

 Then we woke up at about 12.00 in the Morning.Then we had to clean up and have breakfast and all the girls said “This is the best birthday ever” and I said “Thank you very much girls” and they said “It’s OK”. Then we waited and waited for the girls mum and dad to come and pick them up so as we waited I opened my present from my cousins and friends one is a watch and favorites and another one was a make up boxes.

 I love my Mum and Dad because they did all the stuff I wanted. When my birthday started I felt very Happy and excited to have a cool birthday like that it was the best 10TH birthday I ever had.


  1. Hi Rowana,
    That must of been a great sleep over. The pools would of been fun for 21 girls and 1 boy I hope you had fun at you sleep over. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hi Wana,
    That was a cool birthday party ever it was the best birthday party I have ever been too and it was also scary when we watched conjuring.Keep up the great writing Wana (:.
